Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Statement Necklace

Is it really November already?!  I swear the last few days have been so chaotic and busy I've totally lost track of time.  Which means I also totally blanket and forgot to post on Monday!  Does anyone else have those moments when they swear that today is actually a different day?  For the last week I keep thinking I'm a day ahead that what we actually are.  I blame it on lack of sleep!

Anyways, today's outfit is probably one of my favorite and best describes my style.  I love to be comfortable but at the same time I can't resist getting dressed up.  The boots (which I'm happily obsessed with) and my trusty blazer are pretty much my staples.  I can dress them up or down and today I paired it with a "boyfriend" tee.  But to keep it from being too casual I added this amazing statement necklace from "Premier Designs".  And of course I totally love the name of it...Swag.  

 Top/Bloom (similar) | Jeans/Charlotte Russe | Boots/DSW
Clutch/Maurices (similar)


  1. Love how much interest a statement piece can add to an outfit!!

  2. I can't believe it's November either! Time really just does seem to fly! I love the look-- nothing better than being comfortable and stylish :) The statement necklace is so fab


  3. I love combining baskets with a nice necklace. I don't own enough statement necklaces to do it all the time, but it's an easy look none the less! Right?! November?! Feels like we will wake up tomorrow and it will be Christmas. haha

  4. Loving this necklace! Thanks for sharing!

    Kiss Me Darling

  5. Wow, that necklace is GORGEOUS! I love the statement it makes - classy with an edgy twist! :)

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane


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xoxo - Beth

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© Behind My Heels. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.