Saturday, September 20, 2014

Transitioning into Fall

One of the hardest parts, to me, about transitioning into a new season is finding an outfit that will work for all day.  For the Fall season the mornings typically start out pretty chilly, then warm up during the afternoon and slowly cool off again.  Most days I'm just chilling out at home so having to worry about isn't to big of a deal.  But on days like yesterday when I had errands to run and a craft show to do, I needed something to work for all day.

So I ended up wearing my jeggings with my favorite boots.  They're comfortable for running around and being in for hours.  Then pairing it with a sheer top helps too.  It's breezy for when the temps start to climb, but will still keep me somewhat covered when the temp drops again.

How do you transition into Fall?  Do you add a scarf for the chilly part of the day and remove it when it's warm?  Or do you add a jacket or blazer?  I'm always curious to see what others do and I'd love some more tips!


Top-Maurices (old)
Jeggings- Maurices
Boots- DSW
Michael Kors Handbag
Jewelry by Lia Sophia


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xoxo - Beth


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