Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog Challenge Day 1

With Valentine's Day just around the corning I have been going crazy with planning a great date with the perfect outfit.  My husband and I seriously haven't had a Vday date since before we had kids.. so that would be 7 years ago! lol  So each day until the big day is here I'll show a sneak peak of my outfit I'm planning to wear.  I just hope it'll take my husband's breath away.  We normally never really dress up for our few and far between dates, but with this one I really wanted to go all out.

So today's sneak peak isn't exactly outfit related, as much as date plans related.  I'm sure I won't be the only wife taking her husband to see this:

So as I mentioned in my post last night, I am doing a 30 day blog challenge along with some other friends.  Today's challenge: 20 facts about...me!  Oh boy!

1. I used to be really insecure about my height (I'm 5'9') since a majority of my friends are shorter than me.
2. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
3.  I'm the youngest of three.
4. I was born in Hawaii.
5. I could drink hot tea all day, everyday, regardless of the temperature outside!
6. I wish cocktail parties were still around because I love to get dressed up and be around friends.
7. My dream is to one day own my own clothing boutique.
8. I have a hard time accepting compliments.
9. I served a little over 4 years in the Air Force before separating to while I was pregnant with my son.
10. I used to be a super picky eater (like crazy picky) until I had kids!
11. I was in choir for 6 years (Jr High-HS) and love to sing, but I'm super shy about singing around anyone but my family.
12. I hate High School.  Worst 4 years of my life.
13. I'm very open hearted and minded.
14.  I will trust everyone until they give me a reason not to.
15.  I would love if I could meet my favorite author, Nora Roberts, in person one day.
16. I love white wine.
17. I love drama.. as long as it's on tv only.  I don't like having it in my life and I'll do everything I can to avoid it.
18. I love to plan parties.
19.  I'm very shy when I first meet someone.
20.  I hope to one day go to Paris, Ireland and England.

xoxo- Beth


  1. It's so nice getting to know you better! I had no idea you served our country. Thank you so much for your dedication! (: Sorry to hear you hated high school. I had the best experience and it really saddens me when people feel otherwise. I also grew up in a teeny tiny town, so for the most part, everyone got a long. I love white wine as well! (:

    1. I can't believe I've had a blog for over a year and I've never done this! Thank you.. I'm 3rd generation Air Force, my parents and grandpas all served and I met my husband at our first base. Yeah HS was a living nightmare for me. Sadly I have very few fond memories from them.

  2. This was a really interesting post, and I feel like I relate to you in many ways (cocktail parties and having a hard time accepting compliments). I am also envious that you're 5' 9'; I wish i was that tall!

    Thanks for sharing! :)


    1. Thank you! I've accepted being tall and I even wear high heels and I love it now! But someone needs to bring back cocktail parties!


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xoxo - Beth

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