Thursday, May 8, 2014

Springtime Resort

Yeah I know, I'm not really at a resort, but this outfit sure makes me feel like I'm at one!  The weather is beautiful and I feel like it today too!  

I spent last week doing some damage to the bank account, I mean shopping and was super excited to come across this new boutique.  I love all my online boutiques, but sometimes I just like to have a local one that I can run into, find a new item and walk out with it, instead of having to wait a week for it to arrive.  And I'm so glad I was able to find this one.  The boutique is called Bloom and it's located in Vandalia, OH.  It's small, but you never would have guessed when you walked in.  The clothes are so beautifully arranged along with their shoes and other accessories.  I loved their customer service and of course I loved their clothes.  I walked out with 2 beautiful new dresses, one of which I'm wearing in today's outfit of the day.

Normally I wear black, black and more black.  Maybe I'll throw in a few other random colors, but normally it's dark or black.  But lately I've really fallen in love with wearing white and I've developed a love of dresses.  I know right now I'm all ghostly white (thanks Mother Nature), but even wearing these white outfits they still look great.


Shift Dress- Bloom Boutique (exact-similar)
Impa Wedges/old
Handbag- Charming Charlies


Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog.  I'd love to read your thoughts and for you to follow along with my blog.
xoxo - Beth


  1. Love this outfit!! Those wedges are too cute!!

    <3 Shannon

  2. Love that dress! So cute for spring/summer!!

    <3, Pamela

  3. You look so cute! Love the wedges!

  4. Perfect casual outfit! Gorgeous dress and purse!

  5. Totally get the resort vibe! Love the wrap wedges and lace!

    Because I'm Obsessed

  6. You look great!
    Love your dress!


I love to read your comments! Please follow along for more of my daily style!
xoxo - Beth

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