Sunday, June 8, 2014

New Home

Wow has it really been a month since my last post?  Where does the time go?  For me it's been insanity.  My son finished Kindergarten (sigh) and is now officially a 1st grader.  Again where does time go, I swear he was just a baby.  But the big news is, we finally bought a house and are finally (well okay more like 90%) moved in.  We still have a couple of boxes and some walls that need some more decor.  But I sure have missed my blogging.  I've spent the last 2 weeks wearing "work" clothes and my hair in a ponytail while I get this house all set up for my little family.

Also the weather has finally warmed up so I can finally break out my summer clothes for good.  But now I'm thinking I need another closet overhaul...

I decided for my first post back I'd show off a few pictures of the house and some of my "projects".

Can't wait to get back into my fashion and blogging!


(My goofy boy's last day as a Kindergartner)

Home Sweet Home

I love my mantel!

My son's room

I <3 this kitchen

My study/craft room/ library

Master Bedroom (still a work in progress)

The Princesses room

My baking supplies now have a nice new home

Taking a break and obeying the "Porch Rules"

My new Jewelry Corner


xoxo - Beth


  1. Love your jewelry corner. Thanks so much for stopping by EPWL!


    1. Thank you! I love seeing everything out on display!


I love to read your comments! Please follow along for more of my daily style!
xoxo - Beth

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