Monday, December 28, 2015

Favorite Looks of 2015

Happy Monday Ladies!  I still can't believe Christmas has already come and gone and the New Year is only a few days away.  Christmas was so much fun, we got up early and the kids dug right into their Christmas gifts.  Which of course meant the husband and I spent the rest of the day putting together and setting up all their new items.  But getting to spend the day with my husband, kids and my parents was so worth it.  Seeing Christmas through the eyes of your children makes it even more magical.

Now that the year is coming to and end I thought I'd do a little look back at some of my favorite outfits from this year!  I've got a bunch a cute new looks I'm putting together (and if the rain ever holds off long enough to take photos) so be sure to check back soon for those looks or follow me on instagram: hummingbirdheels for a first look!


  1. So many great looks throughout the year - I loved the one with your hat - so cute! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Thank you! Buying and wearing this hat was a first for me, I tend to avoid them but I just couldn't resist this one!

  2. You totally have some killer taste! I think my favorite, or something I'd wear, is your light pink cardigan sweater outfit. I'm safe when it comes to my fashion game. (; But I totally envy your ability to rock tall boots a full skirts! (:

    1. hehe Thank you Kiki! I love that cardigan, it's so perfect and I never noticed how much I wear my boots until I did a look back. 5 years ago I never would have worn boots like this or even heels that high since I'm 5'9" but I finally decided to say screw it and go for it!

  3. What a stylish year!! My fav was the leopard fur vest. So chic!


  4. So many gorgeous looks! Those vests in the first two pics are so fun! And loving those knee high boots! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  5. You have had so many great looks! Love the brown floppy hat!


I love to read your comments! Please follow along for more of my daily style!
xoxo - Beth

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