Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Favs

I'm starting something new.  Every Friday I'll be listing a few of my favorites.  Whether it be fashion, things that happened this past week, food, books etc.

This weeks Friday Favs are:

1.  My kids.  Of course they're always my fav, but this week they've really brighten it up.  My son is now a 2nd grader and is officially growing up on me.  We've finally decided to let him ride his bike to school all by himself.  I have mixed feeling on this.  Part of me loves that he's becoming independent, but the other part of me is terrified!  My daughter is also growing on me way too fast.  She's a couple weeks shy of turning 4.  Seriously it feels like I just had her.  We've been busy doing some simple pre-k work at home so she'll be ready to go for Kindergarten next year.  The line "they grow up so fast" is oh so true.

2- My current read.  I'll freely admit, I'm a bookworm.  I love everything from vampires, to romance, to murder mystery and smut!  I just like being able to escape the world and let my mind go somewhere else for awhile.  This week I've been reading a new series called "West Bend Saints" by Sabrina Paige.  I'm finishing up book two and for the most part I'm loving it.  I have several more new releases coming out soon that I can't wait to read.

3- Whispering Prayer Bracelets.  I'm obsessed with these.  I mentioned them earlier in a post (here) and I just can't rave about them enough.  I bought mine from two of my favorite local boutiques; Merchant 31 and Bloom.

4- This ring.  Have you ever had that one piece of jewelry that you just want to wear everyday?  Well this is my piece.  A friend of mine sells Chloe & Isabel, well they were having a sale and I spotted this amazing snake ring.  I knew right away I needed it!  And I couldn't be more happier, it goes with literally everything I wear, dressed up or down.  It just adds that right amount of edginess that I love.
Do you love it just as much as I do?!  Well it's still available so you can buy yours right here!

Have a Happy Friday and a fun filled weekend!  See y'all back here next week!


  1. Your new ring is really gorgeous! I feel like i'd wear it every day too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Lovely blog,and very nice pictures.I love the ring too.Enjoy your weekend and you welcome to visit my blog too.

  3. love those jeans
    XO Ellen from Ask Away


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xoxo - Beth

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